A selection of working papers and articles
The academic documents that we offer in this site —published articles, working papers and conference transcriptions— are  by respected researchers and  professors of economic history of  top flight universities and research centers of Latin America, the United States and Europe. The collection of materials is based on what has been published by prestigious academic journals on both sides of the Atlantic; we have been careful to credit all of them by offering links to the original repositories where the documents can be found and by subscribing the same creative commons license that once transformed these documents into public domain material.
We offer these Documents in a PDF format that can be either downloaded or pre-visualized.  The general subject is that of banking history of most Latin American countries. These works are catalogued in 11 broad and general themes that we plan to further broaden as the repository keeps improving and expanding; they comprise: the history of finance and credit in the ancien regime; the history of Credit, Monetary Policy and Banking Systems;  the history of Central Banks, Development Banks, National Banks, Foreign Banks, Regional and Local Banks; the history of  Financial and Banking Crises; Primary Sources and Archives.